Hi everybody it's me again :D
what should I tell you, I had a few very busy but also very fun weeks again.... A couple of good Parties, a couple of good chats with you guys and a few not so good tests :) I am also still working on finding an internship and am still on the search for every single spanish word I can find on my way through life :)

First the most important thing: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for all your nice Birthday Wishes I am really so happy to have you all as my friends !!! After this was like the biggest thing happening in the last few weeks I guess I gonna tell you about it in this post.
Like you all know, I usually don't like birthdays that much and try to keep quiet and not do anything, what never works so. Yeah, this year it didn't either, but it was more because one of my new friends over here, Amanda, has the same birthday as me and after she is american and turned 21 this year, we needed to have a big thing going on... ( I of course spontaneously decided to turn 21 as well :P ). We already started planning for the party a whole while ago and then we figured out that our friend Franzi has her bday right a day later, so why not celebrate together and then when Jono heard about our plannings he was in too and so Cumple^4 was born :D
A bit later we decided we need to have a nice party area and found a nice big room we could rent, the good thing was the room came with two security guys and a cleaning crew for the next day, so was a pretty sweet deal. Next thing we knew, we need a name for it and after a bit of thinking over a nice dinner at the Asian Buffet, we decided we should make something out of the beginnings of our names, outcome???: Joder!!! La Mejor Fiesta del Año!!! --- the best Party of the year. So, what now? Of course, we girls decided, we need to dress up and went dress shopping, YEAH!!! Amanda is just so lucky, there is like no dress which doesn't fit her and they all looked great. At the end the decision fell on a real nice one, I will add pics ;) Franzi and me needed a bit more time to think and at the end we came up with a pretty simple solution, we wear some we already got and save some money. Worked out very well, after I have a dress nobody knows about, at least until that day. It got more and more exiting day by day.

The night before my bday then we went into the Sheraton, the fanciest hotel in the City in the Bar to have cocktails and when they heard its our bday, Amanda and me got a plate with cake and it was made so nice, it was written Feliz Cumpleanos on the plate and everybody got a glass of champagne. Afterwards we went over to Jonos place and played poker through the night. The next day my plan was to sleep all day, after I never find much time for sleeping and after I knew my only Birthday wish wouldn't get fulfilled anyhow, why bother getting up. Lunch was really nice, my host mom had bought German Beer and we had nice talks and I even got a present, she had bought me really beautiful earrings. In the evening we girls were invited for a dinner at Maria's place who had decided to cook for us, and how she cooked, soooo good and soooo much nobody could ever eat in a week. It was a real nice evening, at the end Chris came over and brought us choclate, so sweet and then Amanda, Franzi and me decided it is time to go to the Casino.

The next day, which was Franzis Birthday we met in the evening after classes for Pizza at Jonos place and played picturnary (however you would write it), but not with drawing, with pantomime. Great fun especially after it was in spanish and nobody really understood all teh words. The rest of the week flew by pretty fast, we went shopping for decoration and drinks and suddenly it was Saturday the big Party day. The night before I already received my present, which turned out to be a Poker Night with drinks, I think the rules were something like this, whoever goes out has to drink a shot of beer, over 500 lost, baileys, who loses Jägermeister and who wins can chose, I guess you can imagine the end of the night. Jono also gave us presents, really great of him, we all got a candle, chocolate and a scarf, YEAH
But now La mejor Fiesta. We had invited all our friends and had told them to bring even more friends, we were so nicely dressed up and the room was decorated, we had totally great security guys and the best music. I think it worked out unbelievably fantastic. At 2 am we left and went into the city in a club and danced till it closed. It was really good, I mean there are always some downsides, but there were also a lot of highlights at the party, somewhere inbetween I lost my tiara so...hmm... Anyways it was definitly one of the best parties of the year, most people no recuerdan mucho, but that can talk for itself, too, I guess ... The best part is still, that we didn't have to clean the next day...
Until soon again, lots of hugs and kisses in the world
what should I tell you, I had a few very busy but also very fun weeks again.... A couple of good Parties, a couple of good chats with you guys and a few not so good tests :) I am also still working on finding an internship and am still on the search for every single spanish word I can find on my way through life :)
First the most important thing: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for all your nice Birthday Wishes I am really so happy to have you all as my friends !!! After this was like the biggest thing happening in the last few weeks I guess I gonna tell you about it in this post.
Like you all know, I usually don't like birthdays that much and try to keep quiet and not do anything, what never works so. Yeah, this year it didn't either, but it was more because one of my new friends over here, Amanda, has the same birthday as me and after she is american and turned 21 this year, we needed to have a big thing going on... ( I of course spontaneously decided to turn 21 as well :P ). We already started planning for the party a whole while ago and then we figured out that our friend Franzi has her bday right a day later, so why not celebrate together and then when Jono heard about our plannings he was in too and so Cumple^4 was born :D
A bit later we decided we need to have a nice party area and found a nice big room we could rent, the good thing was the room came with two security guys and a cleaning crew for the next day, so was a pretty sweet deal. Next thing we knew, we need a name for it and after a bit of thinking over a nice dinner at the Asian Buffet, we decided we should make something out of the beginnings of our names, outcome???: Joder!!! La Mejor Fiesta del Año!!! --- the best Party of the year. So, what now? Of course, we girls decided, we need to dress up and went dress shopping, YEAH!!! Amanda is just so lucky, there is like no dress which doesn't fit her and they all looked great. At the end the decision fell on a real nice one, I will add pics ;) Franzi and me needed a bit more time to think and at the end we came up with a pretty simple solution, we wear some we already got and save some money. Worked out very well, after I have a dress nobody knows about, at least until that day. It got more and more exiting day by day.
The night before my bday then we went into the Sheraton, the fanciest hotel in the City in the Bar to have cocktails and when they heard its our bday, Amanda and me got a plate with cake and it was made so nice, it was written Feliz Cumpleanos on the plate and everybody got a glass of champagne. Afterwards we went over to Jonos place and played poker through the night. The next day my plan was to sleep all day, after I never find much time for sleeping and after I knew my only Birthday wish wouldn't get fulfilled anyhow, why bother getting up. Lunch was really nice, my host mom had bought German Beer and we had nice talks and I even got a present, she had bought me really beautiful earrings. In the evening we girls were invited for a dinner at Maria's place who had decided to cook for us, and how she cooked, soooo good and soooo much nobody could ever eat in a week. It was a real nice evening, at the end Chris came over and brought us choclate, so sweet and then Amanda, Franzi and me decided it is time to go to the Casino.
The next day, which was Franzis Birthday we met in the evening after classes for Pizza at Jonos place and played picturnary (however you would write it), but not with drawing, with pantomime. Great fun especially after it was in spanish and nobody really understood all teh words. The rest of the week flew by pretty fast, we went shopping for decoration and drinks and suddenly it was Saturday the big Party day. The night before I already received my present, which turned out to be a Poker Night with drinks, I think the rules were something like this, whoever goes out has to drink a shot of beer, over 500 lost, baileys, who loses Jägermeister and who wins can chose, I guess you can imagine the end of the night. Jono also gave us presents, really great of him, we all got a candle, chocolate and a scarf, YEAH
But now La mejor Fiesta. We had invited all our friends and had told them to bring even more friends, we were so nicely dressed up and the room was decorated, we had totally great security guys and the best music. I think it worked out unbelievably fantastic. At 2 am we left and went into the city in a club and danced till it closed. It was really good, I mean there are always some downsides, but there were also a lot of highlights at the party, somewhere inbetween I lost my tiara so...hmm... Anyways it was definitly one of the best parties of the year, most people no recuerdan mucho, but that can talk for itself, too, I guess ... The best part is still, that we didn't have to clean the next day...
Until soon again, lots of hugs and kisses in the world