Hola chicas y chicos,
after a very, very long journey we finally arrived in Chile :)
Our trip started monday morning at the trainstation, hard time to say good-bye to everybody, thanks for coming with us so, part of you will always be with us over here :)
We had our first complications on the way to Frankfurt, we already thought we would be missing our flight, because we where almost half an our late in Nuernberg, after a car was under fire in Neumarkt and the trains had to wait before they could enter the trainstation there, but then we actually found a train from there which brought us faster to Frankfurt then expected.
The check in was interesting as well, was the first time that they wanted to weigh my hand lugguage and we were only supposed to take 5 kilos on board and of course were over the limit :D , but then we got it.
While waiting for the flight Mazen showed up at the airport to say good-bye. Thanks Mazen that was really nice of you :)
Finally on board then the flight was pretty good, great movies and a lot of games on those nice little touchsceens everybody got at their seats. Arrived in Sao Paulo the chaos started again, everything was in portugese, but actually I still think that it easier to understand then spanish, at least up to now. After another 4 hours of flight time we happily arrived in Santiago with great weather. This airport is really so annoying, so many people running around, seeing in you the turist and offering horrendous prices for taxis to bring us to Viña, but ok, after half an hour and Stefan speaking his first spanish in South America, we found a bus to bring us to Santiago, from there on we took another one to Viña and this actually for only around 8 euros a two hour drive, we should have this at home...
In Viña we got our first experience with taxi drivers, was not to bad ;) and then we arrived at the hostel. It is really nice, like when you come home to nice people, they are having rooms for guests at their house and the woman who runs it together with her husband even speaks german, yeah :)
In the evening we already started discovering the City, which is typical south american, like you would imagine it and really nice. We went to bed early after we were tired from the long journey, 32 hours is really almost too much.
This morning we started with a great big breakfast, with pancakes and fruits and everything you could wish for. Around lunch we went out to find the university, which turned out being a big search and a great getting to know our ways around the city. We/that means Stefan asked a ton of people who didn´t know, till we finally met this guy, which reminded a lot to Danny de Vito, just running through the City, he told us and then we went a bit wrong again and there he was again :D At the end we really found the place and it turned out looking great, and the people in there are really nice too. They even called one lady for us, where we can live, she is always taking in students. Her place is not even 5 minutes from university and she only speaks spanish, so great for us to learn. We will also have internet there. We are paying a bit more money then we would living in an apartment, but she will be cooking for us and doing our laundry, she even said she will iron... I haven´t ironed my clothes in years... and when we need to go places she will also be driving us. She said if we live with her we will be like her son and daughter :)
When we left her place we walked back into the city and had lunch at a nice little place, the waiter was even speaking german and had a german menu for us. I got the biggest burger I have ever seen, Stefan had to eat half of it :D but at least we don´t need dinner anymore.
Yeah that´s it from my side till today, I will go relax a bit now and maybe learning some spanish and I totally have to put on more sun screen I already got a bit red, it´s not too hot here at the moment but really nice, with intensive sun.
Let´s talk soon you guys, I miss you a lot
Lot´s of love from the sunny Chile !!!

after a very, very long journey we finally arrived in Chile :)
Our trip started monday morning at the trainstation, hard time to say good-bye to everybody, thanks for coming with us so, part of you will always be with us over here :)
We had our first complications on the way to Frankfurt, we already thought we would be missing our flight, because we where almost half an our late in Nuernberg, after a car was under fire in Neumarkt and the trains had to wait before they could enter the trainstation there, but then we actually found a train from there which brought us faster to Frankfurt then expected.
The check in was interesting as well, was the first time that they wanted to weigh my hand lugguage and we were only supposed to take 5 kilos on board and of course were over the limit :D , but then we got it.
While waiting for the flight Mazen showed up at the airport to say good-bye. Thanks Mazen that was really nice of you :)
Finally on board then the flight was pretty good, great movies and a lot of games on those nice little touchsceens everybody got at their seats. Arrived in Sao Paulo the chaos started again, everything was in portugese, but actually I still think that it easier to understand then spanish, at least up to now. After another 4 hours of flight time we happily arrived in Santiago with great weather. This airport is really so annoying, so many people running around, seeing in you the turist and offering horrendous prices for taxis to bring us to Viña, but ok, after half an hour and Stefan speaking his first spanish in South America, we found a bus to bring us to Santiago, from there on we took another one to Viña and this actually for only around 8 euros a two hour drive, we should have this at home...
In Viña we got our first experience with taxi drivers, was not to bad ;) and then we arrived at the hostel. It is really nice, like when you come home to nice people, they are having rooms for guests at their house and the woman who runs it together with her husband even speaks german, yeah :)
In the evening we already started discovering the City, which is typical south american, like you would imagine it and really nice. We went to bed early after we were tired from the long journey, 32 hours is really almost too much.
This morning we started with a great big breakfast, with pancakes and fruits and everything you could wish for. Around lunch we went out to find the university, which turned out being a big search and a great getting to know our ways around the city. We/that means Stefan asked a ton of people who didn´t know, till we finally met this guy, which reminded a lot to Danny de Vito, just running through the City, he told us and then we went a bit wrong again and there he was again :D At the end we really found the place and it turned out looking great, and the people in there are really nice too. They even called one lady for us, where we can live, she is always taking in students. Her place is not even 5 minutes from university and she only speaks spanish, so great for us to learn. We will also have internet there. We are paying a bit more money then we would living in an apartment, but she will be cooking for us and doing our laundry, she even said she will iron... I haven´t ironed my clothes in years... and when we need to go places she will also be driving us. She said if we live with her we will be like her son and daughter :)
When we left her place we walked back into the city and had lunch at a nice little place, the waiter was even speaking german and had a german menu for us. I got the biggest burger I have ever seen, Stefan had to eat half of it :D but at least we don´t need dinner anymore.
Yeah that´s it from my side till today, I will go relax a bit now and maybe learning some spanish and I totally have to put on more sun screen I already got a bit red, it´s not too hot here at the moment but really nice, with intensive sun.
Let´s talk soon you guys, I miss you a lot
Lot´s of love from the sunny Chile !!!
Hey... das hört sich ja supi an :) ich freu mich sehr, dass ihr gut angekommen seid und es euch gut geht :-) Macht weiter so und genießt das sunbathing. Bräun dich für mich mit :-) Teller, Schüsseln und Brettchen kommen mit in den Osten. *hihi*
AntwortenLöschenLasst es euch gut gehen.
Vivid la vida loca.
Take care, eure Lila.