Hallo mal wieder :D
Guess where I am... YEAH!!! Buenos Aires, but just for a day so...
Lets start from the beginning. I cant believe it, its already about 2 weeks ago since I started my journey.

It started out with a lot of goodbye evenings, like the one at Mels place we bought a lot of stuff and made sushi, sooo yummy. Then the last friday night we spent at the Australiens place, kind of the way we startet into the semester :D Was a very late night. The next day Stefan was off to his adventure and I had to pack, really not easy, how do you know what you will need in a 4 weeks vacation??? and I had to pack everything else as well and move out of my room.
Then the next morning it startet, I said bye to my hostfamily and left to meet up with Lucie with who I would spend the beginning of the vacation. Her hostdad drove us to the busstation and after buying a few empenadas for the ride we were off, 26 hours up north :D Was such a nice ride, I had to get back a ton of sleep and was out for about 20 of the hours.

Then we arrived in Iquique, it is such a nice city, the busstation is packed so, I really dont know how they do it but there are busses over busses and one blocks the other. Our hostel there was a bit weird, they cleaned up our stuff in the closet and there was always a person on the floor and you kind of felt watched, but all in all it was nice, with a great church on the other side of the street.

The city was just lovely and the beaches, with soo high waves. We went to eat everyday, you could get a whole meal with soup, segundo and drink for about 2,50 euros. In the hostel ... to be continued... have to free the computer...
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